Finished Labyrinth Cosplay @ The Groovy Geek Gathering


Even though we were starching sleeves and gluing on jewels the night before, we finished on time for the Groovy Geek Gathering. Our costumes were a big hit. I can’t wait to take it to an Indy Con.

We had a good time meeting up with other friends in costume and purchasing from vendors. Rylee got an Ash hat for his next cosplay and Kylie got a Supernatural vanity plate. My son even learned how to play love letters.

Here we are with some of our friends who also cosplayed at the event as Rambo Bright, Star Wars and Young Justice characters.


I think they all did a fabulous job on their costumes. Here are some of my favorite pics from the con.

And a few where we were just goofing around. That dress barely fit in the car.

As you all know, I’ve been practicing contact juggling for this event. Here are a few pics of me doing the tricks and a link to the video on Facebook if it will work.

Please watch and let me know what you think. Now I promise, no more cosplay post for awhile, except for the final installation of my centaur DIY that I promised some of you I’d post soon. Sorry for the delay.

I have thirteen hours to solve the Labyrinth


Only one week left to finish our costumes, but it feels like thirteen hours. There’s still so much to do and so little time.

We need to finish the Hoggle mask, close the back on the  corset, finish the skirt, attach the sleeves to the dress, and glue jewels on the jacket.

Here are some photos of our finished work. We finished the brooch and the dress skirt. The corset just needs grommets and the sleeves and it’s officially done.

With one week left, I doubt I’ll get a lot of down time–or sleep. I can’t wait to share pictures of the finished project.

Time is Short: Such a Pity


I’m starting to worry we won’t get finished on time, but I always feel this way before a con. We got a lot done with week, and it’s all finally starting to come together.

For starters, I’m sorry I haven’t shared a lot of pictures of my sister’s dress. We just haven’t had time. It’s so pretty. We compared a lot of fabric before choosing the three we did. We really wanted to be authentic to the movie. After playing tv pause to get a good look at it, we were dismayed to find that the dress, down to the sleeves, is an iridescent, Barbie nightmare.

We did use iridescent organza; however, we toned it down with a lace and sparkly organza. You still see the multiple tones, but it makes it look more like an elegant ballgown instead of a Barbie birthday dress.


The beads were hand stitched by my sister, using the same beads I used to make the necklace so it will all tie in. Needless to say, this was very time consuming.

Speaking of time consuming, I started glueing the jewels to my jacket. I also glued jewels to my  brooch.


We also got a lot of work done on the Hoggle mask. I’m hoping to have it ready to paint by the weekend.

hoggle mask

As always, let me know what you think. Hopefully next week I’ll have more pics of the dress.

Three weeks left: Tra-la-la


Time is short. Such a pity.

Last week was very successful considering I had a lot to do and some personal matters to take care of. I finished attaching the tailcoat of the jacket to the top. I also attached the lace. It just needs lace on the cuffs and jewels. Picture this: everywhere you see black lace will be covered in jewels.

I’ve bought enough jewels to put a dragon’s horde to shame. I didn’t want sew-ins because that would be too time consuming so I opted for glue ons.

BTW: Did you spot Hoggle in this picture. Hoggle loves shiny things.



For any of you wanting to embellish with jewels, choose a glue based on how you will wash your costume. I would like to dry clean it, so I had to order a dry clean only glue.

Speaking of Hoggle, we finally started the Hoggle mask. Sorry, no pictures. I haven’t gotten very far. I was really tired and depressed this week, all things considered, but I anticipate this week will be better.

We also cut out the patterns for my sister’s dress. Below is a picture of the kitty cats “helping.” We also did a dummy pattern out of a table cloth. If the table cloth looks that good, I can’t wait to see what it looks like with the satin.

Below are pictures of the fabric cut and stacked on top of each other. When it’s done, the bodice will be five layers: interfacing, lining, satin, lace, and iridescent organza. The skirt will be at least three layers with a hoop skirt underneath.


Well, I’ve got to get back to work if I’m ever going to solve this labyrinth–er finish this costume.  Let me know what you think.