It’s a Wrap!!!


As those of you who follow my blog know, I’ve recently started acting in independent film with my sister.

19894686_1863901200603763_1266165180442400899_nMy sister and I were in our first film together (Aunteler). I’m not sure when the release date is, but I encourage you to see it. A lot of good talent in this one. It was an honor to work with the director, crew, and other actors. Catch the teaser trailer“>here and like it on Facebook (@auntelerfilm). If you squint, you’ll see me, but don’t get too excited. I’m only background in this one. Still very proud to be a part of this project. I was hooked by the teaser poster, as I’m sure you will be. It looked cool and a little sci-fi. Check it out.

Next, to honor the Halloween season, we took part in a local production of The Dark Pages.  I was cast as Mary Shelley and my sister was Madame Alexandria (who knows all). I was excited to be Mary Shelley since she was a writer, a feminist, and the mother of Science Fiction. It was held at the Sieberling Mansion. With only one month or so of practice and back to back performances in one night, it required less commitment than a traditional play. It was a lot of fun and we made a lot of friendships that I’m sure will last.

The same weekend we performed Dark Pages we also filmed Haven. My sister and I love acting, and our favorite genres are sci-fi and fantasy, so we jumped on this one when we found out it is set post-Apocalypse. We were cast in the roles of Bandit Deputy and Bandit Enforcer. For this role, I had a few more lines, though mostly laughing, which will make since when you see it. We’re essentially the bad guys in this one, which is great because I’ve always wanted to play a mentally unhinged character.

21768376_116297492397618_3834430670861527599_nWe filmed out in the middle of nowhere (literally the town is so small it’s considered a village). It was fun filming in the cabin in the woods. This was a great cast to work with: a combination of seasoned actors and fresh faces. Our director was a lot of fun to work with as well. He got down in the dirt, played a dead body, and flung blood on the actors. He’s really not afraid to dive in. I don’t want to give anything away–I’m really not supposed to. It should be available on iTunes, DVD, and Netflix in 2018. Keep following me for updates. In the meantime, please enjoy these pictures from production. Just some behind-the-scenes footage so you can see how awesome everyone looked. First pic is an actor with Director. The others are of the bandits. Feel free to like and follow on facebook.

Not sure what the next project will be. Still waiting for scripts and film dates for a another role. In the meantime, working on some more cosplay projects and going to acting workshops.

stay tuned